IT Risk management tool

IF you’re given the opportunity to perform a review or audit of your organizations IT Security policies then you may find the following tool useful. In a pinch you can get a secure installation running on a hardened Linux box, add all of your policies and begin...

Change management and asset management with i-doit.

Okay, so we need to move servers x,y,z and figure out if there will be any disruptions in user productivity. Oh, but wait, what’s connected to what? How are they connected and will modifying those connections affect the performance of the system? Well,...

Network Analysis with RockNSM

In a post that I wrote earlier, I mentioned that I had trouble setting up a bridged interface, but eventually got help from a resource online (links coming soon!!!) and was able to get it up and running. One of the reasons that I came back to the problem with KVM and...